Are We Loosing the Soft Skills?

I was lucky enough to start my career with a group of Agribusiness and Business Banking managers who valued their clients as friends and partners. They would be invited to Birthdays, Christenings, Weddings and if a client unfortunately passed away, they would there at the funeral. 

In hindsight, I didn't fully grasp the extent of my good fortune or the wealth of knowledge they were generously imparting. I happened to be among the last beneficiaries of their wisdom, with each of them boasting a minimum of 30 years' experience, some even exceeding the remarkable milestone of 50 years.

Admittedly, their typing skills, often limited to two-finger techniques, were not the swiftest, and navigating email systems posed a daily challenge. Nevertheless, when handed a phone, a set of financials, and details about a client, they exhibited mastery.

A lasting lesson that left an indelible mark on me was the departure of one of the finest bankers I had the privilege to work with. This experience underscored the importance of recognising and leveraging the strengths of individuals while providing support for their weaknesses. The value this banker brought was beyond quantifiable data; their wealth of experience was truly priceless.

As I progressed through the corporate landscape, constantly chasing the elusive Corporate Dream, I increasingly valued the knowledge bestowed upon me by these seasoned professionals. 

Their teachings centred not on data-driven metrics but on the art of engaging with clients and collaborating to help them achieve their aspirations—essentially, the cultivation of soft skills.

In a world inundated with emails and text messages, the question lingers: when was the last time you picked up a phone to simply say hello?



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